Competitive Bidding: What is Competitive Bidding and Its Benefits

20 Sep, 2024

Competitive Bidding

Competitive bidding is soliciting bids from potential contractors and selecting the most advantageous offer. Businesses compete against each other to win a contract or project. This process ensures that the best price for goods or services is obtained. The competitive bidding process is essential as it helps ensure that public funds are spent efficiently and effectively. 

Competitive bidding is typically used for large projects, such as construction projects. A competitive bidding process ensures timely and budgeted completion of the projects while clinching quality standards in these industries.

For these projects, a request for proposal (RFP) is issued to potential contractors. The RFP will specify the scope of work, budget, and other requirements for the project. Contractors will then submit bids, and the selection committee will evaluate the bids to select the most advantageous one. 

There are a few factors that the selection committee will consider when evaluating bids. The competition is typically based on price, but other factors such as quality, delivery time, and terms and conditions can also be important. It includes the best value for the money, the contractor’s experience, the quality of the materials proposed, and the schedule for completion. Considering all these factors, the selection committee can take advantage of competitive bidding in procurement.